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ISSN (print) 1136-0593 · ISSN (online) 2445-4192

Volume I, Number 2. November 1996

Some philosophical aspects of fuzzy sets

W. Ostasiewicz. Institute of Economics Cybernetics

Paper is addressed the main philosophical problems which concern both fuzziness and randomness as well as uncertainty and vagueness. It is argued that uncertainty and vagueness are ontologically different empirical phenomena, which are studied within a different formal theories of probabilities and fuzzy subsets. A short historical development of various…

Developing a multicriteria knowledge-based decision support system for the assessment of corporate performance and viability: the fineva system

C. Zopounidis, N.F.Matsatsinis, M. Doumpos. Technical University of Crete

The purpose of this paper is to present the FINEVA multicriteria knowledge-based decision support system for the assessment of corporate performance and viability. The FINEVA system consists of an expert system part that offers an initial financial and qualitative evaluation of firms, a principal components analysis part for the identification…

The use of revealed preference in a fuzzy setting. Some preliminary results

E. E. Haven. Consortium McGill University

The Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference (WARP) is an important axiom in microeconomic theory. This paper discusses the topic in a fuzzy setting. Using simple concepts of fuzzy mathematics, we show that although we violate WARP we can still be declared rational up to some degree. This is a useful…

Fuzzy multiple criteria decision making for natural resource projects

E. R. Gurocak. Washington State University

A common problem faced by decision makers is choosing the best alternative from among many. Traditionally, such decisions in the public arena were made using benefit-cost analysis, which involves the conversion of all costs and benefits associated with a project into monetary terms. But public projects are often based on…

Decomposable financial laws for associative operations

Massimo Squillante, Università degli studi di Napoli "Federico II"

Aldo G.S. Ventre, Università di Trento

The criticality of the issues linked to the study of the relations with suppliers needs a true, as more as possible, analysis of the supply chain, which considers both the points of view in each interface relation. This work suggests a model planned to measure the performances of a supply…

Fuzzy methods incorporated to the study of personal insurances

A. Terceño, J. de Andrés, C. Belvis, G. Barberà. Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The price of the individual life insurance depends on the insurer's age and the technical interest rate. The first is a random variable and its perfomance is determinated by a mortality law. The second variable tradicionally has been considered a certain parameter in spite of being an uncertain variable. The…

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